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New mum. Seeing what life has to throw at me. Relationships, babies, silly things. Lets see

Tuesday 18 September 2012

7 months old. And lots to catch up on.

Morgan now has four teeth, nearly 5.
Teething is horrible. She gets very rosy and very cranky. It sucks seeing her in pain.

She now also rolls everywhere. Nothing is safe as she gets into everything. Pulls everything over and will put anything in her mouth. Lots of baby proofing needs to happen. I cannot even pee without her getting into something. And let's face it, daddy has LOTS of interesting bits and piecdz.

A week before she turned 7months, she said her first two words. "mum" and "dad". Super cute and it's all she likes to do currently. No babble just words and growling.

I am now only breast-feeding during the night. I am not fazed by this to much, mainly the cost of formula is the worst thing. My days are more structured and she is much fuller and content. Constipation seems to be a problem this week.

Well tomorrow it's back to work. 3 days a week. Wish me luck. Wish John luck too. Will fill you in ASAP. Will also finish off Morgan's naming day blog soon too.
