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New mum. Seeing what life has to throw at me. Relationships, babies, silly things. Lets see

Monday 30 April 2012

Self settling.

I can not get morgan to self settle. I'm pulling my hair out. I have tried everything that the other mums at mothers group have suggested and the child health nurses. At this current stage, instead of rocking I can get away with patting her till she goes off to sleep. But it takes me a good 2 - 3 goes of putting her into bed before she stays in there. Suggestions? She is happy to lay in cot for 10 minutes, and then goes straight to hysterical, there is no little cry in between.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Breast feeding

The first hurdle we approached after Morgan's birth. The firsts and 2nd day was fine, the 3rd she tore skin off my nipples after 5 hours of trying to get her full of colostrum, with little success. We then had an hour sleep and another 4 hours of the same thing. Needless to say by this stage we were both exhausted and Morgan was still hungry. So when the nurse came to check on us again, she found me feeding her again and crying. This is what they call the 3rd day blues, mainly because it means your milk comes is about to come in, so we made the decision to call the pediatrician as we thought she was becoming dehydrated. After waiting 3 hours for her to come, as it was a public holiday, we talked it through and decided to top her up with some formula to give us both a break and to get some sleep. After successfully giving her 50 mL of formula, I went to sleep and John rocked her in the bassinet and finally off to sleep. She slept for 4 hours and I slept for 3.
Once I woke up I decided to shower. And once I had hopped out I realized that John and Morgan up and she was crying. Getting dressed in a hurry, I couldn't work out why I kept getting wet on my stomach after I had dried myself, till I looked down and milk was going everywhere!! This made me so happy. Feeding her was so much easier now and I was so glad I didn't give in.
We continued with easy feeding for a while. Even though let down hurt a lot. And my nipples were really sore. Once home I decided to use nipple shields to give them a chance to heal, I also used healing pads. I used these for 2 weeks and after healing I started feeding her normally again. Feeling let down stopped, which made feeding even more enjoyable.
The next hump we hit with feeding was after her first growth spurt. I would spend 2 hours getting her full. She would sleep an hour then need feeding again. After consulting with child health nurse and our doctor I started taking motilium 3 times a day. This is used to help increase production of milk. I noticed straight away the difference. She took 20 minutes each side and would sleep for longer as she was fuller.
I'm writing this to show other mums that anything can happen and there are ways around obstacles. And after speaking with other mums I wanted to share.
Stick with it, it all comes together on the end, just remember sometimes it won't and it's not the end of the world. Topping up a baby with formula is not the end of the world that I thought, it helped me to get a rest.
Morgan is now 11 weeks and it takes 8 minutes a side to feed her. And she feeds Every 3 hours. I'm still taking motilium and still happy to breast Fred for as long as she needs it.
Aimee x

Wednesday 25 April 2012


On the 10th of February 2012, I finally after 4 days of being over due gave birth to our amazing, not so little, baby girl. 25 hours after my first contraction.

This her birth story.

6.30am I wake up with period like cramps and head for the bathroom. To find that I have had a "bloody" show. This made me so excited! So off I waddled over to the main house to talk to mum. After chatting away, I decided to call the hospital, like they had said to do during birthing class, so they were kept in the loop. After speaking with the midwife she said to see if contractions start, keep time, and call back at 9 anyway to see where I'm at.

8.30am. By this stage contractions had started but they were irregular. Ranging from 10 to 15 minutes apart lasting about 30 seconds.

9.00am. I called the midwife back and she said to stay at home as long as I'm comfortable and if the contractions became regular and 10 minutes apart to call and head on in because we live 45 minutes from the hospital. The day went on with irregular contractions till 2.30pm. Which they then started at 12 minutes apart lasting around 2-3 minutes.

Come 4.00pm and they became 10 minutes apart. Lasting 5-8 minutes. I stayed like this till 5.45pm. when they became 9-8 minutes apart lasting 8 minutes. I then decided I wanted to head into the hospital so I gave them a call and told them I was heading in.

6.00pm. Mum, John and I arrived at the hospital. The midwife checks me in and does all the checks. Come 8.00 the next midwife on shift does another check, I'm made to shift from side to side to try to get Morgan to wake up. As she was not responding to contractions the way she should have. Come 11.00pm, and not being able to successfully sleep, the nurse gives me a pill to sleep. After turning out the lights and everyone snuggling up ready to sleep, Johns trundle bed falls down but he sleeps through and mum and I spend about half hour laughing about that. I sleep for about half hour till 1am and my contractions start on top of each other. I decide to use gas to help take off the edge of the contractions. I also hop into the bath to try and help things along.
After about an hour in the bath, I walk around for a bit. Throw up all the water I have drank. Twice. Hopped back into bed and dose in and out of contractions.
At 5.45am I over hear mum talking with midwife that I'm finally dilated enough for the doctor to be called. Thank goodness! And I mumble something about getting him out of bed now!
He arrived around 6. And FINALLY broke my waters!
He checked and I was 8cm dilated. And put in a drip to help re hydrate me. And off he went leaving the midwife to tell me when I should push.
9.00am and back comes the doctor, Just in time. He gives me a general anesthetic and I finally push her out.
"wow she is bigger than I said" comes from the doctor.
They deliver her up onto to my stomach and John finally decides through tears that he will cut the cord. I end up with 2 stitches. Which is surprising considering the 9 pound 7 ounce baby!
We spend two hours having skin on skin and getting to know each other before moving to our room.
Well hope you enjoy, and I can not wait to tell you more about our journey.
Aimee x